Taste the atmosphere of Drijfpaleis and Arnhem
Some pictures of b&b Drijfpaleis, the houseboat, the rooms, Ruud, the garden, the statues, the mosaic, of the guests, the river, cat Hendrik and all the other critters in the garden and on the water. For the active ones Ruud has made 5 very nice walking trips from 10 to 15 kilometers. They start here at the entrance and this is also where you will return. Afterwards there is a big fridge with all kinds of drinks waiting for you. When you have finished, take the red or green paddleboat and cycle across the water to the other side where there are sandy beaches for lazing and swimming. If you can't move anymore stay put and Hendrik will probably come for a prrrr treatment and keep you company.
It's really a bed and breakfast, so breakfast is included. Ruud makes breakfast himself.......like the rest to, so don't expect too much of it. Below are addresses that Ruud likes to eat and drink. Furthermore a list of sights in Arnhem, Ruuds favorite is the Open Air Museum!

Things to see, culture, restaurants, bars.
Rent a bike, yes they also rent electric bikes www.snelbander.nl
Burgers Zoo, de dierentuin, Tiergarten www.burgerszoo.nl
Openluchtmuseum, www.openluchtmuseum.nl
Mode kwartier in de wijk Klarendal, www.modekwartier.nl
Eusebiuskerk, www.eusebius.nl
Gemeente museum, www.museumarnhem.nl
Slag om Arnhem museum www.informatiecentrum-slagomarnhem.nl
Arnhems oorlogsmuseum 40-45, www.arnhemsoorlogsmuseum.com
Molenplaats, Sonsbeekpark, www.molenplaatssonsbeek.nl
Rozet, historisch museum, www.rozet.nl
Watermuseum, Sonsbeekpark, www.watermuseum.nl
Huis Zypendaal www.glk.nl/landschap-kastelen/kastelen/huis-zypendaal
Airborne museum, www.airbornemuseum.nl
Kröller-Müllermuseum, Park Hoge Veluwe www.krollermuller.nl
Park Hoge Veluwe, www.hogeveluwe.nl
Museum Kasteel Doorwerth www.glk.nl/landschap-kastelen/kastelen/kasteel-doorwerth
Kasteel Rosendael www.glk.nl/landschap-kastelen/kastelen/kasteel-rosendael
Posbank www.natuurmonumenten.nl
RESTAURANTS (i think are nice)
Vrijdag www.cafevrijdag.nl
Sugar hill www.sugarhill.nl
De nieuwe kantine www.denieuwekantine.nl
De witte villa www.stadvillasonsbeek.nl
Zappa’s www.zappas-arnhem.nl
Meem www.meemetenendrinken.nl
Enig alternatief, vegatarisch, www.enigalternatief.nl
Brasserie Thialf www.thialf.nu
Studio Konijnenvoer, italiaans vegan food www.konijnenvoer.nl
BARS (i think are nice)
Moortgat www.moortgat.nl/
Nelson www.restaurant-bar-nelson.nl